er, this morning, at 10 am, the National Museum , Indonesia... me, my aunt, my friends : Novra and Tamara , join a batik - making class.
We used handkerchief sized white fabric. Then we follow the pattern ( in pencil ), using a traditional wax.
This class is fun. People are so highly concentrated drawing their pattern carefully (because the wax will easily leaked out from the
canting *traditional tools like pen to draw a batik pattern* if you don't hold it properly).
This is how my friends looked like when they focused on their handkerchiefs :

novra. Only male at class.

Pipi, who came late, still she worked hard to finish her work.
and of course, this is how it looked like when we're finished wax - tracing the pattern :

novra and his batik. ( dots and lines inside are designed by himself. filling the outer pattern provided before ).

me, with my own batik. I drew the dots and lines inside the outer pattern myself. I love it.

this is my finished handkerchief ( my own batik...!!!! ooooohhhhhhh... )
After class, we went out to take some pictures. Thanks to pipi who brought a tripod, so that i could use timer mode on with my camera..

this is pipi, setting her camera, frog style photographer... giggles...
and me, running away from my camera after i set it - climbing the amphitheater so fast to catch the ten seconds limit..
and this is what i got. A huge back stab conspiracy between my aunt, pipi, and novra.

oh my dear God.... ckckck...
then again, there'll be no end for a timer mode camera.... giggles...

before we went lunch, in front of Ganesha..
oh, and one more silly pic :

eyes closed and hands up??? oh pleaseee.....
note that, gentlemen....
we love it.
we hope you do to.