but not this night. I'm online... while it's raining outside. And everything is so nice, including the fresh air, the breeze, etc.. when this frog just suddenly pop up, sticking on my window pane's glass. And refuse to stop jumping like hell (as if he insist to come in to the house). ouch.
Neville Longbottom's flying frog.... (probably)
I;m scared of his jumps. Really. For once I thought he'd break through the glass and land on my lens... or worse.. on my face !!! scary.
He can't pose long enough for my poor lens to capture him without using flash. And.. the lights are too dim that i can't stand stay still long enough to prevent blurring. What a poor flash.. ckckck... (why can't i just blame myself for being amateur..giggles).
Thank you Mr. Frog .... (or Mr. Toad) .... thank you for singing that rain song for several nights including this. I love your choir, just not your jump.
You're cool, anyway. XD