My honey has a printing design business. He had a new year's card project, and has an empty space for a free printing, so he offered me to use the free space to print my own anything (i could use it for namecard, or anything).
While i have this hobby of sending my friends traditional greetings cards by post. With all those stamps and envelopes and post man... something that i think has become a rare excitement on a whole digital life like what we have now.
So i decided to design this season's greetings card..... :D
I was sure to make a photograph... i wasn't sure enough about what kind of picture i will make. But the deadline's getting closer, my design should arrive at printing lab that afternoon. So I hurried took my camera, set it on two mini square wooden chair (dingklik) since i haven't any tripod, set it manual... and turn on the timer mode, and run, holding an empty champagne glass, sitting in front of my unpainted future bedroom's wall, don't have enough time to fix my hair.. and just... ggg...
this is how the card looks like (my final design) :

I remember the line of "come join me whine" , and change it into "come join me wine" as an invitation to celebrate the seasons (past and futures).
this is the original picture, before i edit it :

You can see my future bedroom's unfinished wall. hehe
surprisingly, i got 400 copies of that card... it's kind of weird to see my face that much... all over it... eewww
i sent it to my friends (real ones and online friends), only 25 cards. and give it away to few friends... but still i have around 370 copies at home... *sigh*
lucky, it's an every year useable card... hehe
enjoy !