Saturday, August 22, 2009


not too far from making TUMPENG lah ya.... ehehe.... this year, m' mom help her arisan group making tumpeng. Her part is to make an egg dish, the tumpeng decoration, and the display tampah.

Er... basically, a tumpeng is a rice, shaped to be like a ..... wait, gotta google what's english for "kerucut" akhiak. it.... to become a cone-shaped rice. The cone-shaped will be decorated with veg... not in simple way like western food used to have. But more... decorative. for example, here's some of her works.

The Carrot Tree

well, she (m mom) used to won many tumpeng competition when she was still in junior high.

she made the carrot tree by herself, (there's a limit for beginners like me to help. ahaha..)

and, here's the decorated Tampah. A decorated bamboo platter for the cone-shaped rice. In the middle of the tampah, you can see Indonesian national flag, made of plastic, also for decoration. Most of the decoration items basically are made of vegetables with help from banana leafs, toothpicks and sapu lidi.

The Fence of String Beans

it is... a fence surrounding the tampah, made of string beans

The only decoration I (and a friend of mine) helped, was the fence, the banana leafs decoration base, the flag, and this cute flowers crafted from big red chili.

The Bright Red Hot Flowers

we crafted this flower using a small scissor, this is Novra's hand making it. My mom taught us with one example, and we (me and Novra) did the rest of the chilies.

The Hand

better be carefull with those spicy big chilli... one of the difficulties is that it feels hot in our hands.

but then again..... a good result comes after all of the difficulties......
This is the finished tumpeng, a complete cone - shaped rice, with many kinds of side dish (eggs, chicken, meatball, peanut, tempe, etc) surrounding it, and of course, fully decorated.

The Tumpeng

rice and side dishes were provided by m' mom's arisan group friends..

ah.. forget to add this...

The Mom

mom crafting the carrot.

so.... Happy Independence Day, everyone... :D