well, haven't wrote anything since months. *rolling eyes* apparently, i don't go out much, related to my jobless situation right now. Not getting paid for months, is a perfect reason for not going out, for i'm afraid to spend more than i could afford.
Speaking about affordable items...... i want a FORD... ahuehuehuehuehue. not that it IS an affordable one, but it is included in word : "afford". akh. now i'm being lame.
So, meeting some not-so-old couple friends here, is truly a refreshing activity. I've been busy LOOKING for job. don't worry, I'm still jobless. but it's great anyway. it couldn't be worse. *did i hear a sarcasm?* and it is good to listen to these IT boys freaking me out with words i could never understand.
*what the hell is slackware????*