Thursday, May 12, 2011

When I Think My Office Is Lovely

There are times when i'm so fond of my office building, just by seeing it. I know it's kind of hard to believe, so let me just show you how could that be possible.

Those times were these :

1. When I first got there for my job interview.
*yeah, you guys know the reason*

2. When it was my first day to work.
*only repeated when it's first day after bonuses shared, or a day after remuneration's announced*

and this one, is that got repeated many times :

3. Days when I'm urgent to PEE PEE or BOOM BOOM and deeply need a toilet asap.

that happened past few days. My stomach is unbearable. I need to stand still for like 45 mins on bus, trying not to spreading the gas *or worse, the p**p* on way to work.