ok. seriously.
I'm currently working in a bank. As an analyst. More precisely, a credit analyst.
I don't have other than saving account.
which means, yes, I don't have any deposits, or obligations, or options, or even investing in gold.
I don't have any card other than debit.
which means, yes, I don't have credit card.
And although I work in one of the biggest bank in Indonesia, I still have not use their e banking facilities except the ATM - at least until last week.
many people asked me, why am i living in a cave lifestyle when it is something that involves banking activities ?
the only reason is that, I'm a splendor.
even with only a debit card, I would go crazy shopping.
you know those online sites where they sell used books and you can pay through transfer ?
and then those book bazaar where they'd occupy a whole sport stadium to put thousands books and they'd accept payment using debit card ?
and then those used books sellers where they display books near the ATM ?
and those used stamps sellers who opens at every Sunday market in one of the biggest university park in West Java that also happens to have an ATM spot nearby ?
oooh I went crazy for all of those, and don't mind repeating it again.
you could imagine, what will happen if i have a credit card.
either that, or probably I just don't like being in debt.
now you really can see, eh ? Even with a debit card, i could go crazy. Although it means i have to look for the nearest ATM to do the transfer or withdraw (some, little, just enough) cash.
then, i heard they're going to put me in one of our overseas branch (far far away from Indonesia), while i'm still in charge of paying our home bills in Jakarta (electricity, internet, phone), so i have no other option, then to (drum rolls) open an Internet Banking account !
and yes, for the past week since i first opened it, I already got the feeling.
The feeling of being able to pay anything from my own room as long as the internet connection is doing well.
THAT feeling.
*such a caveman*
and now, ladies and gentlemen , all i have to do, is just hold back my desire in those old books they put for sale (oooooooohhhhhhhh the Nur Sutan Iskandar's from the 80's!) and keep in mind. That internet banking is there to make transactions easy.
wait, isn't 'book shopping' is a "transaction" too ?
*someone, save that token machine from me!*
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Friday, April 4, 2014
Divergent - movie review , spoiler alert
hey, i wrote lots of spoiler here. so beware. please.
really sorry, but i don't think i'll read the book soon. (that won't mean anything to a book that's already won awards and sold for millions copies).
imo, the movie is like.... er... clueless.
In short, I personally thinks that they really should get rid of the romance part (loving gestures between soon-about-to-be lovers such as cheek - hips - back touching, hand holding, sending sparkle through eye contact, and out of nowhere kiss) throughout the movie.
i don't really care about the weird stuffs such as :
but really, those weird stuff is actually just okay - as we're talking about a movie - if only those (again) romance acts is gone.
they're killing the whole package. Wasting time (the duration is kind of unbearable) and out of the context. I mean, if i want to watch die hard romance, i'll watch twilight saga. that would be enough.
Kudos for the cast. Everyone is great. If you have lots of time and don't mind watching a slow speed action/adventure movie, you should see this.
really sorry, but i don't think i'll read the book soon. (that won't mean anything to a book that's already won awards and sold for millions copies).
imo, the movie is like.... er... clueless.
In short, I personally thinks that they really should get rid of the romance part (loving gestures between soon-about-to-be lovers such as cheek - hips - back touching, hand holding, sending sparkle through eye contact, and out of nowhere kiss) throughout the movie.
i don't really care about the weird stuffs such as :
- the train that seems to be always empty and never stop - or probably they are always empty and never stop just to provide semi-private transportation for (as it is only used by) the dauntless.
- the erudite who seems to be crazy about power, they started to build mass destruction weapon in shape of serum-injected-mindless army of dauntless, yet the honest candor do nothing against it (although it is said that they only see and say the truth).
- the aptitude test, that is kind of useless because in the end, their place is where they want to be, who they want to be. And i mean, of course, "to be who you want to" is kind of cool. but then why should the test ? what if someone is just so happy and really talented in farming, wants to be a judge ? then everyone is actually have something different inside from what they are showing outside. Which means, everyone is 'divergent'. And if that is so, then Tris is not really that special.
but really, those weird stuff is actually just okay - as we're talking about a movie - if only those (again) romance acts is gone.
they're killing the whole package. Wasting time (the duration is kind of unbearable) and out of the context. I mean, if i want to watch die hard romance, i'll watch twilight saga. that would be enough.
Kudos for the cast. Everyone is great. If you have lots of time and don't mind watching a slow speed action/adventure movie, you should see this.
- don't get me wrong, i dig Barbara Cartland's novels and Harlequin, but the romance in this movie is just feels wrong.
- perhaps i still should read the novel - because you know what they say, don't judge a book by its movie adaptation - but just not now. maybe next year or else.
Thursday, April 3, 2014
membuat SKCK untuk keperluan imigrasi
beberapa waktu lalu saya mengurus SKCK untuk keperluan imigrasi. Dan berdasarkan pengalaman, data2 di internet yang saya cari, kok rasanya minim sekali dan agak simpang siur.
jadi untuk lebih men simpang siur kan suasana (halah), saya mau sharing saja, bagaimana mengurus SKCK untuk keperluan imigrasi. semoga bermanfaat.
ke ketua RT
tujuan : meminta surat pengantar pembuatan SKCK untuk keperluan pembuatan visa ke ........... (negara tujuan)
persiapkan dokumen :
ke ketua RW
tujuan : meminta tandatangan ketua RW untuk surat pengantar pembuatan SKCK
persiapkan dokumen : semua yang kemarin diperoleh dari ketua RT
output :
ke Kelurahan
tujuan : membuat surat pengantar kelurahan untuk keperluan pembuatan SKCK untuk keperluan visa ............ (negara tujuan)
persiapkan dokumen :
ke Kecamatan
tujuan : meminta (tandatangan) pengantar untuk pembuatan SKCK untuk keperluan imigrasi
persiapkan dokumen :
output :
ke Polda
tujuan : meminta rekomendasi SKCK untuk keperluan imigrasi
persiapkan dokumen :
proses :
output :
fotokopi SKCK polda dan kartu sidik jari agar dapat disimpan dengan baik untuk memperpanjang SKCK apabila diperlukan. Dengan dokumen tersebut, anda bisa langsung ke Polda tanpa perlu membuat surat pengantar kecamatan lagi.
fotokopi form isian saat mengurus SKCK di Polda, dapat digunakan untuk mengurus SKCK di Polri.
ke Mabes Polri
tujuan : membuat SKCK untuk keperluan imigrasi
persiapkan dokumen :
output :
catatan akhir :
mohon maaf tidak menerima pertanyaan terkait prosedur dan administrasi diluar yang sudah saya jelaskan disini - takutnya saya nanti malah salah menjawab. :)
beberapa waktu lalu saya mengurus SKCK untuk keperluan imigrasi. Dan berdasarkan pengalaman, data2 di internet yang saya cari, kok rasanya minim sekali dan agak simpang siur.
jadi untuk lebih men simpang siur kan suasana (halah), saya mau sharing saja, bagaimana mengurus SKCK untuk keperluan imigrasi. semoga bermanfaat.
ke ketua RT
tujuan : meminta surat pengantar pembuatan SKCK untuk keperluan pembuatan visa ke ........... (negara tujuan)
persiapkan dokumen :
- fotokopi KTP
- fotokopi KK
- surat pengantar dengan ttd RT. (bagian ttd RW belum diisi)
- fotokopi KTP (yang tadi diserahkan, dikembalikan lagi)
- fotokopi KK (yang tadi diserahkan, dikembalikan lagi)
ke ketua RW
tujuan : meminta tandatangan ketua RW untuk surat pengantar pembuatan SKCK
persiapkan dokumen : semua yang kemarin diperoleh dari ketua RT
output :
- surat pengantar RT RW yang sudah lengkap ditandatangani oleh ketua RT dan ketua RW
- dokumen KTP dan KK yang diserahkan, dikembalikan lagi
ke Kelurahan
tujuan : membuat surat pengantar kelurahan untuk keperluan pembuatan SKCK untuk keperluan visa ............ (negara tujuan)
persiapkan dokumen :
- surat pengantar RT RW
- fotokopi KTP
- fotokopi KK
- 2 lembar (1 kertas putih, 1 kertas karbon merah salinan. keduanya saling melekat) surat pengantar kelurahan dengan tandatangan Lurah atau yang mewakili, ada spot untuk tandatangan kecamatan yang masih kosong. Pada bagian tujuan pengantar, tercantum tujuan pembuatan SKCK, periksa agar tidak ada kesalahan cetak (misal, nama negara tujuan, dsb).
ke Kecamatan
tujuan : meminta (tandatangan) pengantar untuk pembuatan SKCK untuk keperluan imigrasi
persiapkan dokumen :
- surat pengantar kelurahan (yang tadi ada 1 lembar asli dan 1 lembar salinan karbon merah dari kelurahan)
- fotokopi KTP
- fotokopi KK
output :
- 1 lembar (asli, berwarna putih) surat pengantar kelurahan kecamatan, yang telah lengkap ditandatangani oleh lurah dan camat.
ke Polda
tujuan : meminta rekomendasi SKCK untuk keperluan imigrasi
persiapkan dokumen :
- surat pengantar kecamatan
- fotokopi KTP
- fotokopi Paspor
- fotokopi KK
- fotokopi akta kelahiran / ijazah terakhir
- pas foto berwarna, ukuran 4x6 sebanyak 5 lembar
proses :
- mengisi formulir (2 set) yang diberikan oleh petugas (form ini agar difoto kopi, untuk keperluan di Mabes Polri)
- mengambil formulir sidik jari dan melakukan pengambilan sidik jari di tempat yang ditunjuk petugas
- setelah selesai ambil sidik jari, menyerahkan kartu sidik jari ke petugas awal
- menunggu untuk dipanggil saat petugas mengkonfirmasi tujuan pembuatan SKCK. Periksa tulisan petugas di layar komputer, apakah ejaan sudah benar atau belum.
- menunggu SKCK selesai di proses
- membayar administrasi Rp 10.000,-
output :
- 1 lembar kartu sidik jari (simpan kartu sidik jari anda dengan baik.)
- 1 lembar asli SKCK polda (fotokopi untuk arsip anda)
fotokopi SKCK polda dan kartu sidik jari agar dapat disimpan dengan baik untuk memperpanjang SKCK apabila diperlukan. Dengan dokumen tersebut, anda bisa langsung ke Polda tanpa perlu membuat surat pengantar kecamatan lagi.
fotokopi form isian saat mengurus SKCK di Polda, dapat digunakan untuk mengurus SKCK di Polri.
ke Mabes Polri
tujuan : membuat SKCK untuk keperluan imigrasi
persiapkan dokumen :
- pengantar Polda (SKCK yang diperoleh dari Polda)
- fotokopi Paspor
- fotokopi KTP
- fotokopi KK
- fotokopi Akta Kelahiran / Ijazah terakhir
- pas foto berwarna dengan latar merah, ukuran 4x6 sebanyak 3 lembar
- menyerahkan berkas yang sudah lengkap ke petugas di loket GIAT MAS (pelayanan skck) di ruang Pelayanan Masyarakat.
- mengisi formulir yang diserahkan petugas (apabila sudah ada foto kopi formulir isian dari Polda sebelumnya, bisa menyerahkan ini saja. )
- menunggu dipanggil untuk menerima SKCK asli (apabila petugas penandatangan tidak ditempat, akan disuruh mengambil SKCK asli pada esok hari nya).
- membayar administrasi Rp 10.000
output :
- 1 lembar asli SKCK Mabes Polri
catatan akhir :
- Lembar SKCK agar di fotokopi untuk arsip pribadi.
- di internet, ada yang mengatakan bahwa lembar SKCK perlu di legalisir. berdasar informasi dari petugas di polda, skck yang dikeluarkan oleh Mabes Polri sudah dapat digunakan untuk keperluan imigrasi. tidak perlu legalisir lagi.
- berhubung tulisan ini dibuat segera setelah saya selesai membuat skck, jadi data dan informasi dihitung update hingga 04 April 2014.
- saya membuat skck di Polda Metro Jaya, Jl. jend Gatot Subroto (gedung pelayanan masyarakat ada di seberang Masjid), sementara pengurusan SKCK polri, di Mabes Polri, Trunojoyo (gedung pelayanan masyarakat ada di seberang lab forensik).
- usahakan datang pagi (pukul 08.00) untuk menghindari antrian dan agar dokumen bisa segera selesai di hari yang sama.
mohon maaf tidak menerima pertanyaan terkait prosedur dan administrasi diluar yang sudah saya jelaskan disini - takutnya saya nanti malah salah menjawab. :)
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