Thursday, October 23, 2014

A Day in New York

Didn't go as well as I planned before, but we were able to eat good food from a Deli nearby. Ever heard the term 'happy tummy makes a happy kid' ? well, that's the situation for us.

This is our second night in Manhattan, NY. We arrived here last night and will leave tomorrow.
I don't know how to describe the weather here. It's windy rains all day, which is bad for a sight seeing, but I love rains because it feels good, but I don't really fond of the feels of wearing a long john on my skin. So, basically, it's complicated.

We went to Central Park today, and I had this idea on my mind to draw some sketch of the park, taking a look up close to Cleopatra's Needle, and visiting Gugenheim or Museum of Modern Art.
Too bad, none of them were suceeded.

First, my shoe broke. It was wet all over and the sole got off of its sides.  So we have to went to the nearest shop (named after a Goddess), the shoe was surprisingly cheaper then the same brand sold in Jakarta, but the socks price was crazy. at least 3 or 4 times more expensive.

but i get a new shoes. look at the bright side.
and on the way to the park, we bought two hot dogs and a falafel sandwich at a halal street food vendor.

New shoes, checked, food, checked, then into the park! It was as beautiful as it seems in movies. Most importantly, the rains add a doze of romance to it.
And 'romance' was the best thing we could get today, because the rains and wind prevent me from making any sketches. T_T
What's even worse than that ? Cleopatra's Needle was closed for renovation. We saw nothing but a huge obelisk trapped in set of scaffolding. A glimpse of hieroglyph was there to be seen, but nothing more.

It was sad. but we can't expect anything better since this trip was actually just a stop by before we leave for the Caribbean tomorrow. All in all, Central Park is a good example for a good urban planning that saved a city just in time before it became a total concrete jungle.
It surely brings happiness to many people (and to many squirrels too!). 

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