Friday, August 5, 2016

Book Tube - i have lots of confusions after watching some of it.

This is not a new thing - but i just found out about it couple days ago. 

I usually go on youtube for some kpop *yiey* so, yeah.. ahahah... *awkard*... so when I got to book tube, how happy I was because I thought it would be fun. Apparently, I was wrong. 

And how sad and confusing it is - to me. What is it that confuses me a lot? What is it that saddens me a lot? 

the books
are homogeneous.
they all read the same genre. 
out from 20-ish videos I watched (from various creators), all of them were talking about Fictions. 
maybe those who read other genre doesn't even bother to create a video? maybe... yeah... that is one reason. hem...

the books physical condition
again, are homogeneous.
a pristine, hard cover, special edition, colorful (some even organized the books based on their color hues) books. 
or, to be exact, a nice looking fiction books. 

which brings me to something, 
the fictions book printed in the US seems to have these distinct characteristics:
1. printed in large fonts and margin, ..... which in the end
2. make the book thicker than how it really is.... which evokes a question in me of whether
3. the printing company printed that way, so that it may provide an image of .. a bookworm .. to its reader ... and more
4. it provides a nice book display (?)

at first I thought it was because the book (that i bought) were mostly for young readers. 
oh, so they probably need a larger font, a more eye friendly typography. 
keeping them motivated, yiey! therefore, thicker books, yiey!
but when i knew that young adult novels are printed this way as well, i started to doubt that initial guess...

why not pocket size? why not paper back? would it not be friendlier to mother earth if we print it in a smaller size?
wouldn't it be more convenient to have a pocket size novels that you could bring with you anywhere? for you to read it in the bus, trains, while in traffic, etc.?

however, back to the list. 

book unhaul
they throwing out books - well, technically giving it away / sell it to a thrift store - because these reasons:
1. they don't like it / never finished it
2. they have better cover version of it
3. they don't even know what was it about, and not planning to read it anywhere soon

I understand the fact that after we bought a book, we regret it. Not all books are well written. I have some of those as well.
I also -kind of- understand if you only want to keep the better cover version of a title. which is why publishers keep on re printing books with new covers - there's a niche market for it.

why would you want to get rid of a book you haven't even read yet?

if it's one book of 5 in the series, that you bought, but then you suddenly lost interest because it has been there for a while, i can understand. 

but if you have the first title of 5 in the series, and then you kind of .. well ... not really in the mood to read it, but then you went to the bookstore, and BOUGHT the second title of the same series...
and ended up not wanting to read it either, and decided to get rid of it.....

*hence, the title of this post*

but then again, we are different, aren't we? my ideology of reading materials are probably just different. and by being different doesn't make me way better than them or them than me. 

so, i guess i just go back to kpop videos instead. 
no more booktube. at least not now. 

oh and maybe pandas. videos about pandas are awesome. 

and puppies. 

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